Sunday, January 4, 2009

In the beginning...

First of all, I am a drafter not an English major. If you have hang-ups with grammar or spelling, you might want to get over yourself and realize that this world was not created just for you.

Let’s dive into the shallow end.

The family and I were on our way home from a great friend of ours (better than family actually) and I had a thought. “ I finally have my first blog topic”

During the drive, I was reminded of my 12th grade physics instructors mind-blowing (for a 12th grader) example of “Relativity”. I strapped myself into the drivers seat and backed out of the driveway. We got onto the highway and it returned to me. I was planted firmly into my seat with no relative motion. The seat was strapped to the vehicle with no relative motion. The only things that were moving were the outside references. Without those references we would have no visual cues that we were in motion. So here is a question, if we had no relative motion while in the vehicle, why can’t we say that we were simply “pulling” Salt Lake to us? From our vantage point, the world outside was moving in a direction I told it to with the accelerator, the brake and the steering wheel. It was amazing I could focus on the drive home.

It gets crazier. I then began to realize that we were actually driving through space. The car was making contact with the road that was attached to the earth and this is where we get moving crazy fast. The Earth revolves around the sun at approx. 18.5 miles per second, pretty fast. I never knew my Ford explorer had that kind of horses under the hood. But, that is not all. The sun orbits the center of the Milky Way Galaxy at a speed of 140 miles per second. Well, my doors should be falling off, but they aren’t.

Thank goodness I don’t sense any of that motion when I sit in my car and go get groceries. Why don’t we have any of that sensation of motion? I won’t get into that. If you are interested there are better sources to get your answers.

I just wanted this opportunity to remind everyone that we are all space travelers and to welcome you all to my travels through this “blog” space.

Thank you for your time.

P.S. – I don’t know when I will do this again or what it will be about, but when I do, I hope it will be as interesting and eclectic as the commercials during the Super Bowl.

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