Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How about your representatives?

Just a thought. If you click on the following; , you will see that the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act was favored by a majority of republicans and was not favored by a majority of democrats. NOW, the democrats are having to clean up the greedy mess created by the banks that republicans allowed them to make. Has no one in Washington D.C. heard "when the cat's away, the mice will play'? Too big to fail?, Kiss my ass. Let these arrogant sons 'o bitches struggle to make their loan payment just like I do. Anybody see how big I am? I need a bailout....

I understand that ultimately we will be screwed.

What if the government started at the foundation to fix the falling house. Give the bailout money directly to home owners. We know what is most important and we don't want to lose our homes. We will use our "bailout" money to pay down our mortgages (if not pay them off completely). The banks wont have to foreclose. Joe six pack will now have extra money to pump into the economy and keep things truckin'. If banks are not in the black when everybody pays off their mortgages, then they deserve to fail and should not be entitled to any help from our taxes we pay for bad desicions they made.

Where were the stock holders? They are no less to blame for this than the self serving CEO's for not paying close attention to their money and how much of it executives were paying themselves to drive the bus off the cliff. When I fail to make a payment, my share holders (wife and kids) would never think of giving me a bonus. I understand the reasoning behind the bonuses - to retain good talent and stay competative. That worked really well huh? Fuck their unearned entitlements and undeserving contracts. They suck at their jobs and should be fired without compensation.

Congress...congress...congress. What to do with these traitors. They are voted for by you and I, but they only listen to big money, medium money, and little money...anyone see the common denominator? BAN LOBYISTS. In this day and age they are useless. If a representative needs information before he/she votes, do some research like we do and don't listen to someone who has a vested interest tell you how to vote. Lobbyists don't care about anybody except those who line their pockets.

Enough for now. My brain is tired.

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